Monday, August 07, 2006

What Love Would Do

There are some tasks in this world that just feel impossible. There are Dreams that we often find impossible to create for ourselves. Some situations just seem impossible to find a way out to the other side.

Then there are those who don’t know the meaning of that word.

I invite you to visit a new set of blogs. These are the so-called "impossible" people of Pearlington. People who have nothing, save their faith in God and in a small band of volunteers who are answering the call of their own spirit and who hear God’s voice on the Mississippi wind.

These ‘impossible" Dreamers are passengers on a new ark, after a new flood, who are depending on God to show them dry land and a new tomorrow.

Please go to:

Click on the file entitled: "What Does This Mean" and read what David Robinson of PDA and my own life’s work has inspired.

Then visit each blog and see the truth of the task before us. There are more to come; this is just the beginning. Thanks to the courageous work of Nancy Semple and the leadership of Joseph Keys, we now know more of what must be done.

As you read each case, ask yourself one simple question:

What would Love do?

God bless,
Jon White


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