Tender Mercies

A new day dawns in Pearlington and the clean-up continues. I am receiving news now more easily from the ground, although phones lines are swamped with traffic and cell phone reception is still a bit sketchy.
This in this morning from Glenn and Kris Locklin at One House at a Time:
"Attached are two pics from Pearlington this morning. Water is currently receding nicely. Ice, water, and hot food available Wednesday at the Pearlington Recovery Center. We’’ll be getting as much done as possible without making "permanent" plans until there is a better known track of Ike, so OHAAT trailers and others are staying north of Pearlington while we busily await developing news. More news as the girls and I head back tomorrow afternoon to begin cleanup as well.
Thank you so much for the information you are sorting and compiling from afar. We’re so busy doing what we can that we miss out on what others are doing, seeing, and experiencing as well.
Blessings to you!"
Blessings to you!"
"Burners Without Borders volunteers in several states are standing by to see if we/funds are needed. We were at the event last week, and had the very surreal/unpleasant experience of reliving same place, same thing as 2005. Although we could have no doubt raised a enormous amount of material in a short time ( we had 50K people camping there with us ) it seemed prudent to wait and see, we so grateful to hear it wasn't too bad. Has brought up a lot of emotion amongst our volunteers, some of whom were in the Gulf Coast for six months. And we have a team just back from an Earthquake in Peru who're also waiting and watching.
Fingers crossed, much love and support to our friends and families in Pearlington, thanks for keeping us updated. Any word on the Buskers, or Mr. and Mrs. Ladner?"
Tom Price
"I spoke with Bob Putnam and Laurie Spaschack this evening. They were back in their home. Things in Pearlington appear to be better than I thought they were.
"I spoke with Bob Putnam and Laurie Spaschack this evening. They were back in their home. Things in Pearlington appear to be better than I thought they were.
Bob and Laurie have power and it appears that their home (2 blocks from the Pearl River) did not flood. There was clearly standing water on Rt. 90, so the homes south of there (like Leroy's and Steve's) likely took water on the first floor. Other than Jesse & Evelyn's house, all the others appear to be fine (we don't know anything about Jesse & Evelyn).
Turtle Creek took 7' of water on the first floor (remember the first floor is below Rt. 90). They plan to open in the next day or two.
The Pearlington Recovery Center site appears to be in pretty good shape, though the Mess Tent we erected in March of 2007 collapsed. hopefully they can just re-raise the tent without too much repair.
Much of the clean up work right now is tree cutting work. Clearly there will be some mucking out and drywall repair."
John Chickering
John also sends the following links with news stories. He reports that the first link has a very balanced and informative story on Pearlington:
Note: There are volunteers all over the continent who are concerned about the welfare of individual people. As I post these concerns, please email me if you have information and I will forward it. - CJ
More to come....
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