Thursday, November 09, 2006

The Passing of a Family Man

Dear Friends,

My father-in-law Leo Killoran passed away quietly, earlier this afternoon. His loving daughter Marian stood at his side and held his hand as he began his next great adventure.

I have never been so proud of my wife, as she took this journey with him, constantly at his side these past two weeks. I had a quiet moment of my own with Leo a couple of weeks ago. I shared with him my own father’s death and the impact it had on me. I was able to say things to Leo my own father was too hurt to hear and I was too hurt to say. As I spoke quietly with him that day, I know another piece of my own heart was healed. I am not the frightened, abused little boy I was that Christmas Eve, 38 years ago.

And Leo, surrounded by his 13 children and his wife of almost 60 years, was able to say some things to me my own father would never say.

Marian and I, her mother, eleven brothers and sister wish me to thank all the wonderful people - friends from all over North America and Europe - who prayed for Leo and his family. It is a remarkable thing to have such friends, united in God and in the spirit of unconditional love.
Thank you also for allowing me to share this with you, here alone in this home so filled with love and partnership. Leo’s death has caused me to consider my own, and I know that I will count my success in life not in dollars, but in those I love and who love me.

It is the currency with which we do this work in Pearlington. It is the coin that will save the world and it is the wages of faith and trust in a loving and merciful God.

Thank you Leo for the gifts of spirit you imparted, even in death.

I am blessed.

Kind regards,
Jon White


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