Happy Thanksgiving Pearlington!
The home of C.O.D.R.A - the Coalition of Disaster Relief Agencies - and the online journal chronicling the recovery of Pearlington, Mississippi from Hurricane Katrina. C.O.D.R.A. is an association of INDEPENDENT relief organizations - each with its own agenda and direction - which exists to encourage Resource to meet Need, as its Member Agencies assist the once-forgotten town of Pearlington in getting back on its feet....
Here is a curent list of materials we require in our ongoing efforts to help Pearlington, Mississippi recover from Hurricane Katrina. Thank you for all your donations, your continuing support, your prayers and your faith. The people of Pearlington and Hancock County send their gratitude and love for your willingness to help them in their time of need.
Kim Reardon, a Registered Nurse from a school in North Bergen, New Jersey is making an appeal for her colleagues to consider taking a bit of time out of their lives to join here in southwestern Mississippi.
This is the first posting of our new blog. It is intended to keep those of us who have volunteered and worked here to assist the people of Pearlington, informed and in touch as we rotate in and out.