350 years ago, English poet John Donne wrote:
"No man is an island, entire of itself; every man is a piece of the continent, a part of the main. Any man's death diminishes me, because I am involved in mankind, and therefore never send to know for whom the bells tolls; it tolls for thee."
This morning it is with deep regret that I must write of the death of Pearlington resident and personal friend Raymond Diaz.
Each part of Pearlington that washed away in the storm; each person’s life that was threatened and diminished and forever changed by Katrina and all that came after, diminishes us all; for we, too, are a part of humankind. Each time the bell tolls in the global village to announce the passing of a brother or sister, it tolls for all of us, as the living body of Brother and Sisterhood is equally diminished by the loss.
Raymond and Cindy Diaz and family have struggled so much since the storm, virtually losing their home in Oak Harbor and dealing with a series of car accidents and other losses since.
Raymond’s hope was that his home would be rebuilt, that his family could begin its healing in the place they all belonged. He worked to help his neighbors and himself and formed close friendships with all of those who worked on his home. Chief among these is Tim Goodnow, of the Dog Soldiers of Atlanta, who has captained the recovery of the Diaz home and was always available to Raymond as a friend, mentor and Perfect Stranger.
I call now upon the Member Agencies of C.O.D.R.A. and on all of Raymond and Cindy’s brothers and sisters across the continent, to do know what needs to be done to, at least, get Cindy and her girls back into their home. Please coordinate this through Tim who can be reached
HERE. If you wish to make a donation to this effort, please also contact Tim.
Henry David Thoreau said that "the mass of men lead lives of quiet desperation....and go to the grave with their song still in them."
Let us now pick up Raymond’s tune and, in harmony and with sweetness, fulfil his dream.
God bless the Diaz Family,
Jon White